Key Points
The goal of this project was to design with a group of seniors from the Yaletown House to create a publication that highlights a selection of stories about the residents so that their neighbours and families can get to know them a little better. This project was overseen by the Health Design Lab at Emily Carr University. 
We facilitated three co-design sessions in which we prepared activities and questions in order to spark conversation and story telling, each session influencing the next as we learned more about our seniors and their needs. We followed the six mindsets of co-design when planning these activities in order to make them as tailored, open ended, and effective as possible.
The production of the zine required detailed planning through page plan sheets, scheduling and materials in order to print and bind 40 copies of the zine from scratch.
Multiple meetings were had with our group of seniors in order to ensure they felt as though they were being represented in the way they wanted and their stories were being told truthfully. 
Zine: Travel Journal - Connecting the Borders Between Memories
Co-Design Sessions
Session 1

An ice breaker activity utilizing a series of objects and asking the seniors to select objects that remind them of home, focusing on associated meaning.
Session 2

For session 2 we developed a simple board game that utilized the theme of travel, which was common among everyone in our group. Each game had personalized questions and elements based off stories that the resident shared with us in previous sessions.
Session 3

Working one on one and developing an activity that plays into that particular residents strengths and preferences, while trying to fill in some gaps in the stories they had shared with us.
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